Put your investment, livelihood and reputation on even firmer foundations with landlords’ buildings insurance. It can cover you in the event of fire, flood and other potential budget-busting disasters happening to your property; by shouldering the costs of rebuilding or repairing damage to your property, following an insured incident.
From maintaining your property to finding the right tenants; as a landlord, you probably invest a lot of time and energy into your business. So once a tenancy agreement is in place, you should be on easy street. Unfortunately things aren’t always that straightforward. If your property suffers a fire, flood or storm, you could soon find yourself with a large repair bill, absent tenants and lost income. That’s why it pays to have protection in place. And why all our landlord polices come with buildings insurance as standard.
Buildings insurance covers the structure of your building, your fixtures and fittings, curtains and blinds, skirting board, carpets and plumbed in elements such as toilets and sinks. In the event of an insured incident, you would receive compensation for rebuilding costs, plus any fees. Similarly, if a problem was found to lie in your cables, underground pipes, drains or utilities, you’re usually covered here too. Buildings insurance, arranged through Small Business Direct, covers the cost of putting things right, and acts as a safety net just in case. Add it to your main policy as you build your online quote today.