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Protect your business and premises

If you own a shop or retail business it can be a good idea to protect the important things like contents, equipment, physical structure and floor space from any potential and costly problems that can impact small businesses like yours. Because you’re likely to rent out the space you own to a third party shop manager, one of the other ways you can protect your business is through loss of rent insurance. It pays out if a business cannot pay you rent, because they cannot work following an insured incident such as a flood or fire, for example. We can also help protect you financially from third party claims if, say a member of the public or staff had their property damaged or tried to sue you following an injury.

Protect your business and premises

If you own a shop or retail business it can be a good idea to protect the important things like contents, equipment, physical structure and floor space from any potential and costly problems that can impact small businesses like yours.

Because you’re likely to rent out the space you own to a third party shop manager, one of the other ways you can protect your business is through loss of rent insurance. It pays out if a business cannot pay you rent, because they cannot work following an insured incident such as a flood or fire, for example. We can also help protect you financially from third party claims if, say a member of the public or staff had their property damaged or tried to sue you following an injury.

shops and retail landlord insurance illustration of retail premises

Key covers

To help you work out which commercial shop owner insurance products you might need, we ask you to enter a few details and then search and compare our panel of leading UK insurers.

Key covers

To help you work out which commercial shop owner insurance products you might need, we ask you to enter a few details and then search and compare our panel of leading UK insurers.

Commercial shop owner insurance

shops and retail landlord insurance illustration of retail premises

As a shop owner, you’ll know how much has changed on the high street. No longer are retail businesses guaranteed to stick around and chopping and changing tenancies is the new normal. But even with the most successful retail businesses, if certain things go wrong it’s down to you to put them right – and that’s why it makes financial sense to safeguard your small business with landlord insurance for shop owners.

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Commercial shop owner insurance

As a shop owner, you’ll know how much has changed on the high street.

No longer are retail businesses guaranteed to stick around and chopping and changing tenancies is the new normal. But even with the most successful retail businesses, if certain things go wrong it’s down to you to put them right – and that’s why it makes financial sense to safeguard your small business with landlord insurance for shop owners.

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What is buildings insurance?

It's designed to cover you for damage to the structure of your property. This can include garages, out-houses, fences and fixtures and fittings.

What is loss of rent insurance?

It's designed to compensate you in the event that your tenants are no longer able to live in the property due to damage - such as a fire or flood. This doesn't cover you if your tenants simply default on their rent.

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